Cottonwood weather is mild year round. The high desert area has a 3300-3900 ft elevation. Winter day temperatures can range from average 55-75° F and evenings can drop to 30° F.
In July the normal high temperature is 97 °F (36° C) with a low of 68 °F (20 °C). Annual precipitation is around 13 inches (33 cm). (July through September).
Sedona elevation is 4500 ft., which is around 1000 ft higher than Cottonwood. Sedona has a temperate mountain climate, versus Cottonwood's high desert. Sedona temperatures can run 5-10 degrees cooler than Cottonwood. Sedona will get snow at times in the winter, where Cottonwood will usually get rain.
In January, Sedona's average high temperature is 51 degrees with a low of 21. In July, the normal high temperature is 93 degrees with a low of 63. Annual precipitation is around 19 inches.
Jerome, AZ elevation is starts around 5080 ft.
January low temperatures are around 25 degrees, always below freezing with highs around 51 degrees. July average tempertures areat about 63 degrees low, 90 high. Average presipitation 14.3.